Ms. Vixen

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Hey Black folks, you don’t have to answer when white folks and non-Black people of color ask you how you’re feeling, also you don’t have to pretend you’re feeling good either you don’t owe them grace or comfort. It’s their anti Blackness that has us here.

Also, you don’t have to activate right now, you can rest, you can mourn, you can sit with these emotions and cry if you need too. You don’t have to post, you don’t have to march, it’s not required that you have to change instantly the anti-Black PR campaign that Europeans have spread across the world and have used to get other races of folks to believe in too. Even at this moment of the uprising, we are capital. We have been capital all this time with no solid footing in capitalism, so I agree to burn it down.

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At this moment I want to be restorative to Black folks, what can we do for endurance in this, cause this is a long haul game. What can we do to fill us back up after protesting? What can we do to fill us back after seeing images and videos of us being violated? What can we do right now to redistribute money cause many of us don’t have income or are underemployed? What can we do while we’re at work and our coworkers don’t get that Black folks in the USA have been living through a war all this time, but they still expect your ass to smile all day for comfort? How do we make sure all of us have access to mental wellness facilitators?

If you have any answers, resources please let me know in the comments below

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