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We are at a little over the halfway mark of the year 2020, and I can't help but look at my vision board and burst out in laughter. Who would have predicted this would be the worst year we've experienced as a collective. It has all been a lot, and all our plans have been pushed aside do to the pandemic, and also the national uprising for Black lives has added another layer on that. Regardless of the shittiness of the year so far, we still have more of the year left to set goals for. 

If you made a Vision Board or some kind of goal list for the year it's not all a loss. You can just edit the goals you had to fit what you would is possible to happen in the next 6 months. Years back a wrote ways to edit or revamp your vision board or goals list, which I think is very relevant to reshare. 

  1. What actionable things have you put towards your goals? What goals on your vision board or goal list are you actually working on? Not all of our goals can be achieved in one shot, we eat meals one bite at a time. If there are things on your vision board that you have not created a plan for, ask yourself, do you really want this? It's okay to change your mind and peel things away. Some goals can't be completed this year, and that's not failing it's just a change of plan. 

  2.  Sometimes we create goals that are a novelty, is your vision board/goals just filled with stuff? We sometimes make tangible things our goals because they evoke specific feelings in us. Try to focus more on the feeling these things will give you rather than the actual things. Try to trade stuff for feelings, these are usually what the goal of the tangible item is met to fulfill.  If you can reach that feeling without the item do you really need it? 

  3. Take a look at your vision board and figure out what you're clinging onto that it's time to let go of. If you know something isn't for you let it go. It's okay to grow out of things and move on to different things that fulfill you. I personally thought I would be in the medical industry, got my degree in biology, went on to graduate school and realized that's not what I wanted. I was holding on to it because that's what I always thought my life would be, and I was living up to other people's expectations. I  had to let that go,  and revamp my goals in order to be closer to happiness. 


These three simple tips will give you a more achievable vision board or goal list, enhance your success rate, which may make you feel happier! 


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