My Fall Reset

It’s my favorite season of the year, fall. I am a fall girl through and through. I love the leaves falling, the mid-temperature,  the fashion, and nature look so good in NYC during the fall; it’s my shit. Another thing that the fall signifies to me is transition and resets. I like to use the markers nature sets for change and to do little resets. It’s kind of how all the animals are prepping for winter. I want to do that as well. Here are a few things I do to reset for fall, so I feel balanced for the rest of the year.

Deep Clean Your Home: I love using the fall to purge my apartment. I deep dive into all my items and determine what items I want and what I don’t. I go in hard in the fall. I assess things I will sell, give away, or trash. I sell many items on Poshmark or give to my free group on Facebook. These are Facebook groups where you can give items away for free to people in your neighborhood.  I believe letting go of things allows space for newness, and I enjoy it.  


Refresh Your Goals:  The beginning of fall means the year is almost complete, making it a perfect time to check in with the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Even if you’re not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions, fall is still a great time to look at where you are, reflect, and assess. Determine what can still happen this year and what you can move over into next year.

Take Inventory of your community: Maybe this sounds like you're doing too much, but I also like to let people, places, and things go. Perhaps this is the time to create a plan for a new apartment search or a new job. Maybe that relationship hanging in the balance ends this fall. It isn’t easy, but it’s essential to curate a community that feels nourishing to you. Sometimes letting go of things allows for that new new to come in!

Review Your Budget: Fall has always been when we harvest the fruits of our labor. The new season is a perfect time to look back and assess our progress on goals we set at the beginning of the year—and then strategize on how to make those goals a reality in the year’s closing months.

Create a plan to socialize: For many of us on the east coast, our days get shorter, and the weather gets colder during this time. It’s easy to stay home and be isolated during the winter months. In preparation, start creating or searching for social events to enjoy during winter. You’re probably more motivated to plan now and not when it’s 20 degrees outside. 


Create new routines; In the summer, many of our habits get loser or nonexistent which I think is fine; I do this too. Yet, in the winter, many of us suffer from SAD. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression related to changes in seasons — SAD begins and ends at about the same time every year. If you're like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody. A routine won’t cure the depression, but having one in place beginning in the fall will make navigating seasonal depression a little bit easier. Also, most of us are less motivated during the winter months, so having morning and before-bed routines may make your days easier to navigate.

I like to do these things to reset in the fall, but this is all based on stuff I prioritize as essential for me. This may look different for you. Figure out the things most necessary for you and create your reset plan; if you make a plan that isn't realistic to your needs and wants, you may set yourself up for failure.  


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